Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Home Renovations

Home renovations. Usually they take a long time, a lot of money and tons of back breaking labor. Always when the work is finished you look at the completed room, or patio, or whatever you worked on and you think boy that was definitely worth the effort.

I personally have never had to do a home renovation on my own home but I have helped out with many of my friend’s homes. When the work is completed you get to enjoy that new feature on your home so much more.

Say you remodeled your bathroom, after the months of dealing with it under construction and all the sweat that you put into it think how awesome it finally is when you get to sit down in the brand new Jacuzzi tub and take the best bath of your life, and you realize how rewarding it was.

The process of doing a home renovation is quite similar to the repentance process, and the after affect is always the same, rewarding. So say you make a mistake, you messed up and you feel bad for what you did. You try to forget about it and move on but it keeps coming back up. You want to just forget about it, this is the first step like in a home renovation the blueprints.

The next step is the back breaking labor and hard work in the construction. Receiving forgiveness for what you did from God and who or whatever your may have hurt in your mistake. This is when we get down on our knees and ask for forgiveness and help on how we can fix what we damaged.

After the terrible back breaking process, after you have been forgiven, after you finish sweeping up the last of the sawdust. You’re able to sit back and relax, maybe on a new patio and say it was definitely worth it. It is worth it at this step in the repentance process because you are now a stronger person with more experience. You have come closer to God and you learned from your mistake.

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