Friday, June 10, 2011


A few weeks ago during church someone in elders quorum used this analogy to describe repentance

Imagine you have all the stuff you have ever thrown away in your life in your backyard. Imagine how smelly and gross it would be. What if someone came up to you and said that they want to get rid of all of it. Not only do they want to get rid of it for you but they want to pay you for it. How cool would that be. The property value of your home would increase by a ridiculous amount.

Now think of the Gospel, how we can be forgiven of all of our sins, or garbage and receive blessings for getting rid of them. That is basically the repentance process. Getting rid of your garbage and receiving blessings for doing it and making your self worth increase.

After thinking about it this way I have no idea why I ever procrastinated my repentance. The blessings I received were ridiculous for getting rid of them in God's eyes. Now of course I am still going to remember how much garbage was in my backyard but know that it has been taken to the dump for me God no longer remembers that I ever had it.

Hopefully after looking at it this way you will to have the same feelings I did. You stop procrastinating and you get paid to get rid of your garbage. It was worth it for me, and I promise it will be worth it for you.

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