Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Technology is always changing and improving things are becoming faster, smaller, and more efficient. For example how cell phones used look like a brick with an antenna to being small, thin, and we are able to surf the web on them now, or how internet has gone from dial up, to wireless, to fast speed wireless, or how there are new updates for computer programs like ever two months, or how we went from listening to the radio at home to a small black and white television, to a little bit bigger color TV to a 72" HD plasma flat screen, even going from watching a movie at home on a VHS to a DVD and now we have Blue Ray and 3D in our homes. Even in video games going from Pong to the Xbox Kinect. Scientists are always working on making modern day technology faster, more efficient, and more quality. There will always be people working at making the internet faster or making text machines "cooler," or computer programs more efficient. People will always be perfecting the technology. But I know one thing that is perfect and has been perfect since the moment it was created, there are no updates for this or anyway to make it more efficient. What I am talking about my friends is The Gospel of Jesus Christ. His plan for us is perfect there is no way it could be better. As we follow his plan he rewards us with blessings. First we must have faith in Jesus Christ. Second we must repent, which is simply trying everyday to make our thoughts and actions how our Savior's would be. Third we need to be baptized by someone holding the priesthood or the authority to act in God's name. Fourth receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which simply comes after baptism. Last but not least endure to the end, but as we endure we enjoy our trip because we are receiving so many blessings from following Christ. As we follow this plan blessing are poured upon us. Such as our families, our friends, our jobs, our even laughter finding something comical. These are just some of the blessings we receive when we follow the plan. The list is endless, it's great.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the analogy of changing technology but and unchanging God! His love is endless and unchanging! Great thoughts!
