Friday, May 13, 2011


Trees. I like trees for a lot of reasons, they are fun to climb, they are good for the environment, they are good for burning, and they are very symbolic, also one day I want to build and epic tree house. You know how if a tree is planted in an area where it is easy for it to get water it's roots don't go very deep, they stay near ground level, and the tree won't have the best foundation. If a tree is planted in an area where it is more difficult for it to get water it's roots will work hard and go down deep in the ground so it can get the water it needs, and it will make itself a good solid foundation. Then when the big bad wolf comes by and huffs and buffs and tries to blow the tree down it won't be able to. But if it the winds blow on a tree where it doesn't have to go far for water and it's roots are close to the surface the tree may fall. This can be the same with your faith in Christ. If your roots are deep in the ground and you worked hard for your faith by reading scriptures, praying, and going to church when the big bad wolf huffs and buffs and tries to blow your tree over your roots will hold you up and you will be able to withstand his fierce winds. But if your roots are not that deep and your faith is there but you haven't worked extremely hard at it when the fierce winds come you may get blown over. What you can do now is dig your roots deeper into the earth and make your foundation stronger so when the temptations of Satan arise you will be able to withstand the temptations and prevail victorious for good. You can strengthen your roots by reading the scriptures, but not just reading them but applying the principles in them to your life and living them. You can deepen your roots by praying to our Father in Heaven, and showing him your thankful for what he has already given you, and asking for help, if you do I promise he will give his help. You can also strengthen your faith by going to church and taking the sacrament. I promise if you do these things your roots will deepen and when the 1,000 mph winds blow your tree will stand strong and proudly show off it's leaves to the world. I know this to be true because my roots used to be close to the surface and I almost got blown over a few times, but I have deepened my roots through the previous listed things and now I can withstand some of the most ferocious winds. I strengthened my roots and I know you can do the same, it's not to late to start now.

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