Thursday, April 7, 2011


Choices are everywhere and we make them all the time, and we make them about everything. Like which tie am I going to wear today? or for girls how am I going to do my hair? and even what am I going to eat for lunch? There are so many different options available for every choice we make, we could choose a good option, but is it always the best. For some choices it doesn't matter what we choose like which tie am I going to wear today? But some choices it does matter what option we choose and it should be the best option available. Like What am I going to eat for lunch? It is so easy in today's world to just drive through some fast food place, and that may be a good option it is quick and will save you some time. But is it there a better choice? It is so much better if we go home and make something or just take 5 or 10 extra minutes in the morning to pack a healthy lunch. This will be healthier for us and save us some money. Another option is how we spend our free time. It is good to surf the web, play an occasional video game, read books and magazines and watch movies to gain interesting information. But it's not good how much time is consumed by all of these in today's world. It would be much better if we would spend more of our free time with our family and strengthening those relationships, helping someone in need, or doing small acts of service such as raking an old ladies leaves. These options would be a better choice, and would give you a more accomplishing feeling than knowing that you had the best kill spread in a single online game of Halo or Call of Duty. Choices are made constantly throughout the day, we need to work at making better choices or maybe even the best choice.

*Idea for this post was given to me From Elder Dallin H. Oaks' talk given in the October Session of the 2007 General Conference

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