Friday, July 15, 2011

Off to College

When a kid goes off to college they have no idea what they are in for. They don't know how to live on their own, most don't even know how to shop or do laundry. But still they are excited to leave home and live on their own a figure everything out.

Kids call home all the time asking silly questions because they need help, probably like: how do I know how much money is in my bank account? Or what are some easy healthy recipes? Sometimes they might even say they are thankful for what little they remember about what their parents tried to teach them.

During the school year the kids have fun making new friends, going on trips and just being away from home at college. But then the school year finally ends and they come home for summer. They are so glad to be home because they no longer are stressed about the next exam or essay that is due. Parents are always so excited that their little baby is back home.

This is way similar to the Plan of Salvation. We were excited to leave home and come to earth to figure everything out. We often call home giving thanks for what we already have and what we have been taught. We also ask what to do in a certain situation, or just for help in life.

Heavenly Father does all he can to help us out but he obviously is way far away and can only do so much. We are left to figure the rest out on our own, this is when we learn and grow here on earth.

While we are here on earth we are supposed to have fun. Adam fell from the Garden of Eden so we might have joy (2 Nephi 2:25). We are supposed to love life, we find joy in our family and friends, hanging out with them, going on trips and having experiences with them. Life does get hard but we are blessed with family and friends so they can be there when we are at our lowest.

Then whether you like it or not we will die, we will return home and our Heavenly Father is so excited to see us again. We will probably be excited too once we get there, because then we no longer have to worry about all the stressful stuff in the world.

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