Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Horseshoes are so necessary for the protection of the horses hoof. I recently finished a book called The Lamb and the Lion. It is about Willard and Rebecca Bean and their 25 year mission to bring the church back to Palmyra, New York in the early 1900's.

The book is awesome and goes over a bunch of stories about what happened to them and how at first everyone hated them because they were Mormon. But as the years went by the people started to respect the Beans.

There is one part in the book where Willard Bean is making some horseshoes for some horses he acquired. He said this about horseshoes,

"Forged and beaten and shaped by the master's hand into something worthwhile. It takes time and it is hard, but remarkable we will become as the fire and pounding and steam secures a shoe that walks in his footsteps."

That really stood out to me. I started to ponder it and I realized that it is more than just for horseshoes. It is for every single soul, and especially me as a missionary. Every day I am forged, beaten, and shaped by the spirit to become a better missionary. The experiences I see everyday make me learn and grow into something worthwhile.

I am being molded exactly how The Savior wants me to be. He is shaping me exactly how he needs me and I have nothing to complain about.

It is amazing just as Willard Bean said it takes time and it is hard. I second that statement, after all the hard work, after all the beating and pounding, all the time, and experiences we really do become something worthwhile; walking exactly in His footsteps. am still being beaten and pounded every day, it is tough but it's rewarding. My footsteps are becoming closer and closer to Christ's. As we all live the Gospel our Savior shapes us into what will be best for us. All we have to do is listen to the promptings of the Spirit, then we will walk in his footsteps.

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