Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Never Give Up

Never giving up is extremely hard. It's hard just to get through the day sometimes, even just get out of bed. It's hard for mothers to put up with their kids every day. It's hard for a student to stay focused near the end of the school year. It's hard to pay the bills sometimes. But how rewarding is it to look back when you have conquered that difficult task and know that you finished it. Every day we are faced with challenges and sometimes we want to give up because we think they are too hard. We must not give up we must press forward everyday. When we press forward and have faith in Jesus Christ He will help us overcome our obstacles. I know He will, he has helped me get over some big hurdles. Last summer I got in a little bit of trouble and had some consequences for my actions. When I was taking care of the ramifications, which I deserved, I needed help, I wanted to quit. It took me a while to finish all of it. Often I wanted to give up and go home, but our Lord helped me endure to the end. He gave me strength when I was the weakest, he assured me that I could complete the task no matter how hard I thought it would be. Without him I wouldn't have been able to finish what needed to be finished and I would have dug myself into a deeper hole. God helped me push through the hard times and I gained experience from them, and I know that he will do the same for you. After we get to the top of the ladder we look back on how hard it was for us to get to the top. When we do we get that great feeling of accomplishment, like we are kings and queens of the world and we can do anything. So when the times get rough or you're just having a bad day, remember our Savior and know he loves you and will help you press forward until the end, and we will be able to climb that ladder.

Elder Morrison


  1. This was meant for me - there was a reason you came to my house today. So wonderful to talk to you two, just what I needed to remind me of where priorities need to stay. I'm sure this is that thing you were thinking of earlier and I'm glad you posted it because it's exactly the kind of message I needed to hear :)

  2. Great message! We all need these reminders which is why I think the Temple is such a special place! Love the blog Elder!
