I'm a Mormon, I love to ski, play sports and my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm a missionary in the NY Rochester Mission. Life is tough, especially as a missionary. Life is also fun because I get to help people improve the quality of their lives. Now my blogs aren't perfect, but I hope that my messages will uplift you and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ just a little bit.
There is so much potential in the world and so often it’s not known. People rarely know how much they can actually accomplish, they limit themselves mentally and sometimes they do it subconsciously. I think it happens sometimes because we set goals for ourselves and when we reach that goal we think it is enough, we reached our expectations so we don’t push ourselves as hard. I catch myself doing this all the time. When we give it all we've got and don't limit ourselves to goals we can exceed and excel to levels higher than we ever imagined.
I was recently shown this inspirational video clip The Death Crawl from a movie called “Facing the Giants.” This clip is about a football coach talking to his team about having heart. the coach says "Your attitude is like the aroma of your heart if your attitude stinks your heart's not right." it's cool because it goes on to show how a team captain's heart is not right for their upcoming game and the coach proves to him that they are stronger than they give themselves credit.
This video can be taken in so many ways. I picture myself there, doing the death crawl pushing myself to the 50 yard line, but I put myself in the world trying to find success. I'm blindfolded and I hear the coach telling me to keep pushing myself and to just go another step. But I picture him as Jesus Christ telling me to press forward, to keep giving it my all. I picture myself finally collapsing because I am exhausted; I look up and see that I have superseded all my expectations.
This video gave me a lot of motivation to give everything I do 100% and really do my best. I know we really can do more than we think we can and that we have to just push ourselves to our limits until we collapse, we can't set limits. When we do we will impress ourselves and reach greater levels.
I remember my mission president showing us this at zone conferences, it really is as you said, a great demonstration if what we can become under hand of the Lord. When he wants to give up, when the going got really tough, it was his coach telling him that he promised him his best, and even thogh it hurt, even though it was really hard, he placed his trust in hos coach and kept going. Life is real tough and it hurts really badly at times, but the Lord made it hard so that we grow, become strong and realise who we really arre and rlthe true potential that we have. And when the going gets to hard for us, when we are pushed to our very limits, the Lord is there for us, to make up.for our weaknesses it is he that makes us strong! Pushezls us to the next level. Uts going to equire pain and sacrifice, usually a lot of bpth, butHe who is our aAsvocate with the Father Atoned so that we can make it!!!! I knpw this is true, and ai know that the Lord loves is ao mich, and that pwlerfectiob is made possible through Jesus Christ.
I remember my mission president showing us this at zone conferences, it really is as you said, a great demonstration if what we can become under hand of the Lord. When he wants to give up, when the going got really tough, it was his coach telling him that he promised him his best, and even thogh it hurt, even though it was really hard, he placed his trust in hos coach and kept going. Life is real tough and it hurts really badly at times, but the Lord made it hard so that we grow, become strong and realise who we really arre and rlthe true potential that we have. And when the going gets to hard for us, when we are pushed to our very limits, the Lord is there for us, to make up.for our weaknesses it is he that makes us strong! Pushezls us to the next level. Uts going to equire pain and sacrifice, usually a lot of bpth, butHe who is our aAsvocate with the Father Atoned so that we can make it!!!! I knpw this is true, and ai know that the Lord loves is ao mich, and that pwlerfectiob is made possible through Jesus Christ.