Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prepare for General Conference

General Conference is when God's prophets and apostles speak to us, it only happens twice a year. Dieter F. Uchtdorf gives some great advice on how to prepare for this great conference that is right around the corner. Check out this link on how you can prepare to get spiritually blasted at General Conference! If you have a question or concern and if you take it to General Conference and seek for an answer I can promise you you will find one.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


There's not a lot of food I don't like, one exception is a mushroom they are gray, mushy, and taste like dirt. I try to avoid them at all costs but sometimes I cannot. In some situations they are unavoidable like on pizza or something like that. Sometimes I just have to eat them.

One thing I love is a big juicy red raspberry oh man they are so good I could eat them all day everyday. I can eat them on cake, in ice cream, with a little sugar on top, you name it and I will probably eat it if there are raspberries involved.

I would not be able to enjoy raspberries if I did not know the atrocious taste of a mushroom. If I did not know the bad how could I know the good? This is exactly what it says in the scriptures (2 Nephi 2:11) there has to be opposition in all things.

Everybody is going to have good and bad days, hard times and great times. That is just how life is, the crappy times are unavoidable. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's mother gave him some great advice when he was a child. She taught him "Come what may and love it"

There are four things Elder Wirthlin tells us to do during the hard times to help us get through them. Learn to laugh, because when your laughing you can't be too sad. Seek for the eternal; See what you can learn from this trail for the eternities. Principle of compensation, you will be blessed If you endure it well. Last we must trust in the Lord.

There is a scripture I love in the Doctrine and Covenants Section 130 verse 2 "And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy" All I know is that our life on earth is a time to prepare to meet God. We are blessed with families and the next life is going to be greater then we can even imagine.

Watch this short video "Come What May and Love It" a section of one of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's talks, it is great and encouraging. It is only 3minutes and 32 seconds. I promise it is worth your time. Plus you don’t even have to find it, I embedded it for you right below.


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Cheetos... Cheetos are so good, such a delicious chip like snack. They are perfect to take when you go on a picnic and even better when you put a few of them in your sandwich. They are also great to munch on while you are watching a football game or something on TV.

Cheetos and so many other chips and snacks are delicious to the taste, but as we all know they are not the best for us. One reason why they are not so good for us is because they are practically man made. There are so many ingredients that are added to these sorts of charts that are created from the periodic table of the elements. Like my favorite TBHQ. Those creations are not something that we should be putting into our body, it's bad for them.

But why do we do it?

It's because Cheetos taste so good and their advertising technique just draws us in with their cartoon cheetah. It's a bunch of individual not so good ingredients that when combined together they make something delicious.

That is exactly how the adversary works! Satan will put a bunch of bad things together to make it look like it would be a great thing. But in the long run it isn't. He will make us think that doing one small little sin isn't bad but in the long run as we so that small sin over and over it draws us farther away from Christ.

We have to watch out for those little things like TBHQ and not put them into our bodies. Although Cheetos are great and are created from a bunch of not so good things, Satan is not and we have to watch out for all of his little ingredients; and say no when his temptations arise!